Anyone suffering from the symptoms of premenstrual tensionsuch as irritability, pain and sadness, for example, you know well that it is not uncommon for PMS interferes with training. This is because, discomfort often causes women to stop not only going to the gym, but also carrying out simple daily activities, such as going out or even working.

According to the Ministry of Health, 80% of women suffer from this problem every month. But, after all, what can you do to avoid interfering with your quality of life?

How to keep training during PMS

According to José Corbini, physical educator at the Personal Virtual integrative health app, even though the days of TPM can interfere with some healthy habits, it is important to respect the natural cycle of a woman's body.

“Of course, there are women who are less willing more days than others, but if you already know that in those 3 or 4 days you won't be able to train, this won't affect the other days of training”, he guarantees.

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Furthermore, there is also the issue of food, as it is common for PMS to feel like eating one more sweet treat than on other days outside of this period.

According to Carol de Souza, nutritionist from the same application, this is also something that should not cause major concerns. “Exceptions will not compromise the results and that is why it is necessary to have a healthy diet. If you eat well most of the time, chocolate from time to time won't affect you”, she points out.

Given this, Corbini and Carol listed some simple attitudes that can help women overcome the common difficulties of the premenstrual period. See below!


Lighter workouts

You can even rest for a few days if you feel very discomfort during menstruation or PMS, but a good option is to adapt your training for this period.

“If you train for an hour, try to exercise for half the time. If you usually do series of squats with 30 kilos, do them with 15”, comments the personal. “It's always good to remember that doing little is better than doing nothing and that even on days outside of these periods, the body may ask for a lighter workout. Understand the signs”, he advises.


Adapt the routine

Both nutrition and training routine can be adapted during the menstrual period if necessary. According to Carol, you can, for example, take advantage of the day you feel most like eating to have the free meal of the week.

“If your appetite changes a lot during your period, you can talk to your nutritionist about some special strategies, such as sweeter snack options, for example.”

In training, the routine can also change. In addition to doing lighter activities, you can use the days when you are less inclined due to menstruation symptoms to change your rest days.

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fitness recipes

For those who crave a sweet treat during PMS, which is extremely common, one option is to opt for sweet fitness recipes that contain dark chocolate, peanut butter, oats, among others.

“It is possible to make pancakes, cakes, mousse with this type of ingredient, satisfying the desire for sweets without leaving your diet”, comments the nutritionist.

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Don't blame yourself

Did you eat more than you should? Did you miss a lot of training? Has your routine changed too much? Don't blame yourself, after all, the discomfort, pain and even stress that the menstrual period causes are understandable.

“The important thing is what to do afterwards, if you left the diet, go back, if you stopped training, start again. Our body has memory and in a few days it returns to normal”, points out José.

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